Why Should Law Firms Hire SEO Firms

Posted by Mahmood Bashaash | Monday, July 27, 2009 | , | 0 comments »

CEPACLaw.com/Kevin Quinlan/ 06/23/2009

Once you have decided to take your law firm’s destiny into your own hands and get serious about marketing on the Internet, it is time to consider joining forces with a professional SEO firm that can initiate and manage your online campaign.

SEO is absolutely essential to any site that has a long-term goal of generating new business. Every site must rely on some volume of free traffic to drive new business and the only way to get volumes of free traffic to your site is by having high rankings on the major search engines. For the long haul, organic search has a more level cost than pay-per-click and although the ramp up time may be a bit longer, more users select from the organic search results than from online ads. High rankings from carefully researched and highly competitive key words can generate a lot of unique visitors to your web site.

Many law firms are surprised at the cost to hire a professional SEO firm. To a large extent, that is because SEO is an intangible commodity when compared to creating TV spots or a web site, both of which result in a physically evident “product”. SEO is an extremely labor intensive process that requires constant monitoring and tweaks throughout the campaign.

Our firm starts with a complete analysis of your web site to ensure that the architecture, key words, tags and overall structure is consistent with Google’s guidelines to give the site the best chance to be crawled and highly indexed by the search engines. We re-engineer any flaws, provide recommendations that will improve usability, make directory submissions and begin the link building process. We offer proprietary newsroom platforms that act like blogs on steroids to create valuable content and link bait.

Google and the other major search engines constantly make minor adjustments to their algorithms so ranking can change slightly on a regular basis. There are also major updates done less frequently that can more dramatically affect the rankings of your site. The management of your site, the ongoing link building process, addition of new pages of content and the knowledge requisite to stay on top of the changing environment and maintain site rankings while competing with thousands of other sites is a major undertaking.

SEO is not a commodity and your selection should not be strictly a matter of who offers to do the work for the lowest price. There are scores of mediocre SEO firms that just seem to come and go. It is imperative to partner with a credible and ethical SEO company that has a proven track record of providing top page rank for other law firms practicing in your field of specialty. They should be able to offer both tangible results online and references from satisfied clients.

Remember, when you pay peanuts; you get monkeys.